Mission 1
To conduct and disseminate cutting-edge innovative research on taxation, with a focus on tax evasion and fraud, and potential solutions to these problems.
To conduct and disseminate cutting-edge innovative research on taxation, with a focus on tax evasion and fraud, and potential solutions to these problems.
To promote a democratic, inclusive, and pluralistic debate on the future of taxation by fostering dialogue between the scientific community, civil society, and policymakers in the European Union and worldwide.
To provide access to knowledge on taxation by making available to the general public a repository of data and analysis on our study topics, as well as interactive tools that allow them to easily understand and exploit them.
Senior Researcher
Research Fellow
Senior Researcher
Research Assistant
Research Fellow
Senior Researcher
Research Assistant
Research Fellow
Research fellow
Visiting PhD Student
Research Fellow
PhD student
Research Fellow
Research Assistant
Research Fellow
Research Fellow
Senior Advisor
Communications Officer
Visiting PhD Student
Visiting PhD Student
Senior Researcher
Research Fellow
Research Assistant
Post-doctoral scholar
Visiting PhD Student
Administrative Assistant
Research Fellow
Communication Director
Visiting PhD Student
Visiting PhD student
Visiting PhD Student
Research Fellow
Research Fellow
Research Assistant
Visiting PhD
Research Assistant
Data Scientist
Research Fellow
Research Fellow
Research Assistant
Research assistant
Policy Advisor
Research Assistant
Research Fellow
Visiting PhD student
Communications Officer
Associate Professor of Economics, Charles University
Research Fellow
Director of the Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation
Visiting PhD Student
Deputy Director of the Fiscal Affairs Department, International Monetary Fund
Senior Researcher
Professor of Economics, London School of Economics
Visiting Professor
Ph.D. Student
Senior Researcher
Ph.D. Student
Visiting PhD Student
Post-doctoral scholar
Visiting PhD Student
Banque de France, Université Paris-Saclay - Univ Evry, EPEE
Research Fellow
Events and Communications Officer
Research Assistant
Paris School of Economics
Journalist, Le Monde
Research Fellow
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Post-doctoral scholar
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Research Fellow
Research Director
Lawyer, Lecturer at Columbia Law School (2015-2021)
Research Fellow
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Research Fellow
Visiting PhD Student
Research Fellow
Senior Researcher
Policy Director
Ph.D. Student
Professor of Economics, University of Zurich
Visiting PhD Student
Research Assistant
Postdoctoral Scholar
Research Assistant
Communication Director
Professor of Economics, University of California at Berkeley
Research Assistant
Research Fellow
Research Fellow
Research Fellow
Research Fellow
General Manager
Research Fellow
Research Assistant
João Pereira dos Santos
Kristina Strohmaier
Susana Peralta
Raquel Miranda
Joana Garcia
Sónia Cabral
Miroslav Palanský
Petr Janský
Tomáš Boukal
João Pereira dos Santos
Giulia Aliprandi
Senior Researcher
Giulia Aliprandi is a Senior Researcher at the EU Tax Observatory. Previously, Giulia worked as an economist at the OECD in the Business and International Taxes unit, with a leading role in the publication and development of Country-by-Country Report statistics. She holds a PhD from the Paris School of Economics where she developed her research on tax evasion and tax avoidance.
Related articles
Australian Public CbCR: filling the gaps?
Advancing Corporate Tax Transparency
Mapping the global geography of shell companies
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Public Country-by-Country Reports: A New Dataset
Tax Transparency by Multinationals: Trends in Country-by-Country Reports Public Disclosure
The Long Way to Tax Transparency: Lessons from the Early…
Have European Banks Left Tax Havens? Evidence from Country-by-Country Data
Miguel Almunia
Research Fellow
Miguel Almunia is an Associate Professor of Economics at CUNEF Universidad. Previously, he worked at the University of Warwick. He completed his PhD in Economics at the University of California, Berkeley in 2013. He is a Research Affiliate/Fellow at CAGE, CEPR, IFS, IGC and Oxford CBT, and Invited Researcher at J-PAL Europe.
He is an applied microeconomist and his main field of research is empirical public finance. The broad question guiding his research agenda is how economic agents — households and firms — respond to government policies, namely taxes and regulations.
Annette Alstadsæter
Senior Researcher
Annette Alstadsæter is Professor at School of Economics and Business, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, and head of SKATTEFORSK – Center for Tax Research. Her research is on tax evasion, tax avoidance, and inequality, and she has published in top academic journals in addition to being highly involved in the public debate and policy work. She is columnist in DN and member of both the Norwegian and Swedish Fiscal Policy Councils.
Related articles
Foreign investment in the Dubai housing market, 2020-2024
Global Tax Evasion Report 2024
Increasing Cross-Border Ownership of Real Estate: Evidence from Norway
Pennies from Haven: Wages and Profit Shifting
Who Owns Offshore Real Estate? Evidence from Dubai
Aymeric Ducatez
Research Assistant
Aymeric Ducatez is a Research Assistant at the EU Tax Observatory. He holds a Master’s Degree in Applied Mathematics and Engineering from CentraleSupélec (Université Paris-Saclay). Prior to this, he worked as a statistician at the Banque de France and the OECD. His primary research interests include fiscal justice and mathematical modelling.
Stefan Bach
Research Fellow
Stefan Bach is research associate at the Public Finance Department at DIW Berlin and lecturer at Potsdam University. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Cologne and wrote his professorial dissertation thesis on the distribution of tax burdens and tax reform policy in Germany. His research work is focused on empirical public finance, especially taxation, social security, microsimulation, distribution of income and wealth. He managed numerous studies on taxation and public finance issues and is engaged in policy advice by regular expert statements, presentations, and media appearances. In recent years, he made studies on the distribution of the tax burden, wealth taxation, tax reform, pension reform, and environmental taxation.
Pierre Bachas
Senior Researcher
Sofía Balladares Herbert
Research Assistant
Enea Baselgia
Visiting PhD Student
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Dominik Bernhofer
Research Fellow
Dominik Bernhofer is an economist working on tax policy and public finances. He received his education from the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration. Between 2014 and 2017 he worked as a tax policy advisor to the Austrian government, where he contributed to several changes to the tax code, including the end of the Austrian bank secrecy for tax purposes and a nationwide “cash register and receipt issuing”-obligation. Before that he was economist at the Austrian national bank, working on European macroeconomics. Since 2018 he is the head of the tax department at Arbeiterkammer, a trade union think-tank based in Vienna.
Jeanne Bomare
PhD student
Jeanne Bomare is a PhD student at the Paris School of Economics. Her research focuses on international taxation, tax havens and public policy. She is particularly interested in evaluating the impact of tax policies on individual and corporate tax compliance. Jeanne was a visiting scholar at the London School of Economics in 2021-2022, and at UC Berkeley in 2023.
Kane Borders
Vincent Bouvatier
Research Fellow
Thijs Busschots
Research Assistant
Gunther Capelle Blancard
Research Fellow
Gunther Capelle-Blancard is Professor at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Previously, he was deputy dean of the Sorbonne School of Economics, scientific advisor to the French Council of Economic Analysis (an independent, non-partisan advisory body), deputy director of CEPII (a research center in international economics), and member of the scientific council of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers.
His research interests include financial markets, financial regulation, financial transaction taxation, tax havens, ethics, and corporate social responsibility. His research has been published in international peer-reviewed journals including The Review of Finance, The Journal of Banking & Finance, The Journal of Business Ethics, or The Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.
Elisa Casi-Eberhard
Research Fellow
Elisa Casi-Eberhard is an Assistant Professor at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH). She received her PhD from the University of Mannheim in 2020 and she has been visiting scholar at the Questrom School of Business (Boston University) in 2019. Her research focuses on the determinants and consequences of corporate disclosure and how tax policies affect individual and corporate tax compliance.
Inga Chilashvili
Communications Officer
Inga Chilashvili joined the EU Tax Observatory as a Communications Officer in February 2024. She is responsible for organizing public events, managing social media, and creating content. Inga has eight years of experience in the communications field, having worked for the EIF Secretariat at the World Trade Organization, the Border Police of Georgia, and the National Defence Academy of the Ministry of Defence of Georgia. She holds an advanced MA in European Interdisciplinary Studies from the College of Europe and an MSc in Marketing Communications and Public Relations from the University of Chester.
Related articles
Revenue Effects of the Global Minimum Tax: Country-by-Country Estimates
Have European Banks Left Tax Havens? Evidence from Country-by-Country Data
Minimizing the Minimum Tax? The Critical Effect of Substance Carve-Outs
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Matt Collin
Senior Researcher
Matt Collin is a Senior Researcher at the EU Tax Observatory, where he conducts empirical research on illicit financial flows (cross-border tax evasion, money-laundering, and related activity). He was previously an Economist in the World Bank’s Global Tax Team, a Rubenstein Fellow at the Brookings Institution, and a Research Fellow at the Center for Global Development. He earned his DPhil (PhD) in Economics at the University of Oxford in 2013. His published work includes publications in the Journal of Development Economics and Economic Development and Cultural Change.
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Rasmus Corlin Christensen
Research Fellow
Rasmus Corlin Christensen is a political economist and postdoc at Copenhagen Business School. He studies the political economy of international taxation and accounting, of expertise and professionals, and the interplay between them. He is currently involved in a four-year grant, “Time Mirror”, studying tax and financial infrastructures for the green transition.
Teona Cretu
Research Assistant
Teona Cretu works as a research assistant at the EU Tax Observatory. She holds a Master’s degree in Analysis and Policy in Economics from the Paris School of Economics. Previously, she worked as a research assistant at the University of Manchester. Her primary research interests lie in the fields of public economics and international taxation, with a focus on corporate tax evasion and tax avoidance.
Lauren Debussy
Administrative Assistant
Lauren Debussy is the EU Tax Observatory’s Administrative Assistant. She is in charge of ensuring that everything runs as smoothly as possible in our day-to-day operations. Lauren has more than 10 years of experience in education and support roles in the United States, Japan, and France.
Anne-Laure Delatte
Research Fellow
Anne-Laure Delatte is a CNRS Tenured Researcher in the Econ Department of Paris Dauphine University and a CEPR Research Affiliate. She is the chair of the Financial Markets Commission of the CNIS, an independent body bringing together producers and users of the French public Statistics. She has been a member of Conseil d’Analyse Economique (Council of Economic Analysis), an independent advisory body reporting to the French Prime Minister from 2017 to 2019. Her research aims to document the evolution of contemporary international finance and the ways in which it interacts with the public sphere (central banks and governments).
Evgeniya Dubinina
Visiting PhD Student
Jules Ducept
Visiting PhD student
Joachim Englisch
Research Fellow
Dr Englisch holds a chair for tax law and public law at Münster University. Currently, his main research activities are devoted to International and European tax law and policy, covering both, direct and indirect taxation. Dr Englisch has frequently advised international organisations, the EU Commission, national governments, NGOs and other stakeholders in taxation matters. He has also been a visiting professor at several European and overseas universities.
Tommaso Faccio
Research Fellow
Manon François
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Francisco Gabriel
Data Scientist
Bertrand Garbinti
Research Fellow
Bertrand Garbinti is an Assistant Professor at CREST-ENSAE-Institut Polytechnique Paris. He holds his PhD from the Paris School of Economics, and his Accreditation to supervise research (HDR) from the Aix-Marseille School of Economics. His research focuses on Public Economics, Economics of Inequality, and Economics of the Family.
Pietro Geuna
Research Assistant
Idann Gidron is the Research Assistant for Atlas of the Offshore World project at the EU Tax Observatory. He has previously worked at the OECD in the Business and International Tax unit, where he was responsible for the calculation of forward-looking corporate effective tax rates, among other projects. Idann holds a master’s degree in policy economics from Erasmus University Rotterdam. His master’s thesis develops a new tax policy indicator that captures the joint impact of corporate and environmental taxes on business investment incentives.
Sarah Godar is a post-doctoral researcher at the EU Tax Observatory, based at the DIW Berlin. Her research focuses on international tax avoidance, tax competition and offshore financial wealth. She is part of the team behind the Atlas of the Offshore World in her role as data coordinator of the offshore financial wealth dataset. She holds a Ph.D. from the Institute of Economic Studies, Charles University in Prague.
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