Public Country-by-Country Reports: A New Dataset

Authors: Giulia Aliprandi, Kane Borders, Francisco Gabriel, and Gerrit von Zedlitz

Country-by-Country Reports (CbCRs) are an important new source of information that tracks the activities of large multinational companies on a country-by-country basis. In this note, we introduce the Public CbCRs database, a novel dataset comprising information on the country-level distribution of key tax-related financial items such as profit, taxes, and activities of over 100 large multinationals. The objective of this dataset is to both facilitate the exploration of the CbCRs made available by multinationals and to shed light on the current state of reporting. This note describes the content and scope of the data collected, details the steps taken to compile the final database, provides summary statistics of the dataset and describes the interactive tool made available to visualise the data easily.