The EU Tax Observatory conducts innovative research on taxation, contributes to a democratic and inclusive debate on the future of taxation, and fosters a dialogue between the scientific community, civil society, and policymakers in the European Union and worldwide.
The average corporate income tax rate in the European Union has been more than halved since 1980, according to statistics compiled by the OECD and the European Commission
This report presents a proposal for an internationally coordinated standard ensuring an effective taxation of ultra-high-net-worth individuals.
The note estimates that approximately 50% of large US companies and a significant portion of multinationals from countries like China, Japan, and Germany will potentially have to disclose information on their tax haven presence.
This paper offers the first detailed characterization of the labor market in a tax paradise and the first assessment of how a reform aimed at discouraging tax avoidance affected workers.
In recent decades, we have drifted towards a tax system where the richest and the large multinationals, the main beneficiaries of globalisation, pay hardly any taxes.
Unlike tariffs, a new form of protectionism could target climate-wrecking, untaxed corporations and their billionaire owners.
A well-structured, comprehensive, and progressive taxation system is vital for generating the funds needed to support innovation and public investment, which are critical for the EU's competitiveness objectives.
Quentin Parrinello explains to that "the idea is that countries could condition market access for foreign multinationals and billionaires", forcing them to pay what is fair.
"In the short term, this has no effect," says Quentin Parrinello, Policy Director of the EU Tax Observatory.
Since 2022, Russian nationals have bought up £4.8 billion in properties in Dubai that are either existing or being developed, according to economists with the EU Tax Observatory and Norway's Centre for Tax Research.
To widen access to knowledge, the EU Tax Observatory provides interactive tools, including a simulator of the tax deficit of multinational companies, and an explorer of country-by-country data on the activities of multinationals firms.
Hybrid 20.09.2024
Twice a month, the EU tax holds a seminar to discuss the challenges posed to national tax systems by the increased global mobility of capital and labour.
Paris School of Economics 08.04.2025
Taxing Billionaires: A Two-Day International Conference, bringing together researchers, legal scholars, and policymakers to discuss global tax rates for the super-rich.
Brussels 13.05.2025
An annual flagship event of the EU Tax Observatory, bringing together academics and leading policymakers.