The EU Tax Observatory conducts innovative research on taxation, contributes to a democratic and inclusive debate on the future of taxation, and fosters a dialogue between the scientific community, civil society, and policymakers in the European Union and worldwide.
The average corporate income tax rate in the European Union has been more than halved since 1980, according to statistics compiled by the OECD and the European Commission
This report presents a proposal for an internationally coordinated standard ensuring an effective taxation of ultra-high-net-worth individuals.
The note estimates that approximately 50% of large US companies and a significant portion of multinationals from countries like China, Japan, and Germany will potentially have to disclose information on their tax haven presence.
The working paper studies the effects of automatic information exchange on tax compliance by analyzing the universe of information reports sent by foreign banks to Danish authorities, matched to population-wide micro-data on income, wealth, and cross-border bank transfers.
Regardless of nationality, the world’s ultra-rich share two striking similarities: the vast majority are men; and they typically pay much less tax, as a share of their income, than their employees and middle-class workers in general.
Gabriel Zucman was invited by the G20 Presidency to address G20 Finance Ministers on tax and inequality. His speech addresses the need for tax progressivity and a proposed coordinated minimum tax on the very rich.
The Atlas of the Offshore World is a new effort by the EU Tax Observatory to inform the global debate around international tax evasion and avoidance. It offers up-to-date information about the dynamic of profit shifting by multinational companies and offshore wealth.
In an exclusive interview, French Economist and Brazilian proposal influencer deliberates the crucial role of a 2% billionaire wealth tax in tackling global inequalities, bolstering public services, and cultivating a fairer, sustainable economy.
Francês Gabriel Zucman quer tributar em 2% riqueza acima de US$ 1 bilhão. Ideia foi levada ao G20 e mira 3 mil pessoas no mundo, com potencial de arrecadação de US$ 250 bilhões por ano.
Gabriel Zucman es considerado uno de los economistas más brillantes de su generación. A los 37 años ya recibió la Medalla John Bates Clark, un premio para economistas menores de 40 años que es considerado un buen predictor de futuros premios Nobel.
To widen access to knowledge, the EU Tax Observatory provides interactive tools, including a simulator of the tax deficit of multinational companies, and an explorer of country-by-country data on the activities of multinationals firms.
Hybrid 20.09.2024
Twice a month, the EU tax holds a seminar to discuss the challenges posed to national tax systems by the increased global mobility of capital and labour.
The Paris School of Economics is pleased to invite you to a lecture by Mordecai Kurz (Stanford University) on the relationship between inequality and technological change.
The PSE-CEPR Policy Forum 2024 will be devoted to discussing emerging issues among leading researchers and policymakers, reaching a large audience that includes government officials and legislators, the media and the academia.