Tax Avoidance and Offshore Wealth: Policies for Tomorrow

Event details


Monday June 13th


10:00 am - 5:00 pm



The EU Tax Observatory organises its first high-level policy event in Brussels on the 13th of June 2022. A landmark annual event in tax evasion and tax avoidance policy, it seeks to review past developments, study new evidence and project policy to the future. By bringing together policymakers from national administrations and international organisations, academics and researchers working on tax evasion and tax avoidance, members of the civil society, journalists, and the general public, the event offers a common space for dialogue, exchange of ideas and formulation of novel solutions.

Entitled “Tax Avoidance and Offshore Wealth: Policies for Tomorrow”, this year’s conference will focus on two timely thematic areas. The morning session (10h00 – 13h00) will discuss new forms of tax competition in the EU and, the afternoon session (14h00 – 17h00), offshore wealth and identification of beneficial owners.

Find a detailed summary and recordings of the event here.