Literature summaries

1. Corporate tax avoidance

1.1. The scale of tax avoidance

  • Bilicka, K. (2019). Comparing UK tax returns of foreign multinationals to matched domestic firms. [summary]
  • Cobham, A. & Janský, P. (2019). Global distribution of revenue loss from tax avoidance: re-estimation and country results. [summary]
  • Clausing, K. (2016). The Effect of Profit Shifting on the Corporate Tax Base in the United States and Beyond. [summary]
  • Crivelli, E., De Mooij, R., Keen, M. (2015). Base Erosion, Profit Shifting and Developing Countries [summary]
  • Fatica, S. & Gregori, W. 2020 – How much profit shifting do European banks do? [summary]
  • García-Bernardo, J. & Janský, P. (2021). Profit Shifting of Multinational Corporations Worldwide. [summary]
  • Janský, P. & Palanský, M. (2019). Estimating the Scale of Profit Shifting and Tax Revenue Losses Related to Foreign Direct Investment. [summary]
  • Tørsløv, T., Wier, L., Zucman, G. (2020). The missing profits of nations. [summary]
  • Wier, L. & Reynolds, H. (2018). Big and ‘Unprofitable’: How 10% of Multinational Firms Do 98% of Profit Shifting. [summary]

1.2. Channels of profit shifting

  • Baumann et al 2020 – Corporate taxes, patent shifting, and Anti-Avoidance rules
  • Cristea & Nguyen – Transfer Pricing by Multinational Firms: New Evidence from Foreign Firm Ownerships
  • Hopland et al. 2018 – Flexibility in Income Shifting under Losses
  • Huesecken & Overesch 2019: Tax Avoidance through Advance Tax Rulings – Evidence from the LuxLeaks Firms
  • Johansson et al. 2017 – Tax planning by multinational firms

1.3. Countermeasures to corporate tax avoidance

  • Bilicka et al. 2021 – Real Responses to Anti-Tax Avoidance: Evidence from the UK Worldwide Debt Cap
  • Clausing et al. 2021 – Tax deficit
  • Dutt et al. 2019 – Increasing tax transparency: investor reactions to the country-by-country reporting requirement for EU financial institutions
  • EU Tax Observatory – The implementation of the global minimum tax in the EU – A note on legal controversies
  • Schenkelberg 2020 – The Cadbury Schweppes judgment and its implications on profit shifting activities within Europe

2. Tax evasion by individuals

2.1. The scale of tax evasion by individuals

  • Alstadsaeter et al. 2018 – Who Owns the Wealth in Tax Havens? Macro Evidence and Implications for Global Inequality”, 2018
  • Alstadsaeter et al. 2019: Tax Evasion and Inequality
  • Ecorys 2021 – Monitoring the amount of wealth hidden by individuals in international financial centres
  • Guyton et al. 2021 – Tax Evasion at the Top of the Income Distribution: Theory and Evidence
  • Leenders et al. 2020: Offshore tax evasion and wealth inequality: Evidence from a tax amnesty in the Netherlands
  • Pellegrini et al. 2016: What do external statistics tell us about undeclared assets held abroad and tax evasion?
  • Tax Justice Network (2020): The State of Tax Justice 2020: Tax Justice in the time of COVID-19.
  • Tax Justice Network (2021): The state of tax justice 2021
  • Vellutini et al. 2019: Estimating International Tax Evasion by Individuals

2.2. Channels of tax evasion

  • Ahrens 2020: A victim of regulatory arbitrage? Automatic exchange of information and the use of golden visas and corporate shells
  • Cockfield 2018: Breaking Bad: What Does the First Major Tax Haven Leak Tell Us?
  • Helgadóttir 2020 – The new luxury freeports: Offshore storage, tax avoidance, and ‘invisible’ art
  • Langenmayr & Zyska 2021 – Escaping the Exchange of Information: Tax Evasion Via Citizenship-by-Investment

2.3. Countermeasures

  • Balakina et al. 2016 – Bank secrecy in offshore centres and capital flows: Does blacklisting matter?
  • Beer et al., 2019 “Hidden Treasure: The Impact of Automatic Exchange of Information on Cross-Border Tax Evasion”
  • Casi et al. 2020 – Cross-Border Tax Evasion after the Common Reporting Standard: Game Over?
  • De Simone et al. 2019 – Transparency and Tax Evasion: Evidence from the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)
  • Johannesen 2014 – Tax evasion and Swiss bank deposits
  • Johannesen & Stolper 2017 – The Deterrence Effect of Whistleblowing – An Event Study of Leaked Customer Information from Banks in Tax Havens